Theosophy is a multi-faceted diamond but a diamond for all that.
Its many facets are vast in comparison to any religious system of belief. While one of the objects of Theosophy is to search for and expose the truth (Truth is the only religion we should aspire to) through its examination of all religious systems it is, by the same investigations, become a collection of thruths picked from each by the light of truth itself.
Therefore, by its own endeavours to unearth the truth, it is left with a massive volume of information that we, as 'child-like' students must eventually read and learn from. I say 'child-like' because at the beginning we are as innocent as children of the truth. But I am no child at 64 years of age!
My journey on 'the path' began in July of this year (2012). How I discovered 'the path' was purely accidental. I was researching a book I wanted to write about the life of a spiritual healer. The book was to be fiction yet I wanted facts, as near as they were available, to give the book some authenticity. While searching the Internet I came across the Theosophical Society's library and became waylaid, so to speak, by the many subjects available. Needless to say 'The Healer', as my book was to be titled, has been put on a back-burner. I don't seem to have the time for writing fiction these days.
Throughout my life I have been a spiritual person who has had a on:off relationship with Christianity. I have been pronounced, by mediums I have met, that I have spernatural powers. This i somethi ng I have fought against because I am afraid that I may bring problems into my life through a lack of knowing how to use these powers. I have been content to keep this side of me under wraps, so to speak.
During my life I have experimented with the Church of England, Methodist and finally, in 1995, confirmed into the Church of Rome. I thought the Catholic Church would take me to the origins of Christianity.
In 1991 I had just recovered from a near-fatal motorcycle accident during which I had had an 'out of body' experience. As I slowly recovered in hospital my thoughts were focused on my own mortality and how close I had come to death. (Not for the first time in my life or my last). It took a number of years before I came to the decision to join the Catholic Church. It erved its purpose but I eventually came to realise that it held back more than it taught. I am not one to thrive on mysteries, which I eventually took to mean that the priest did not kn ow the answers to. In the last 3 months I have come to realise that much of this information is withheld from them too, or at worst they are instructed to keep the congregation in the dark about it. It is no stretch of the imagination to say that the Catholic Church holds ancient documents in its library that would confirm the teachings of the Theosophical Society.
Almost two years ago I had a heart attack that brought me close again to crossing into the other world. Once again I became focused on my spiritual growth.
What a strange phrase that is but it sufficed at the time. What I was, in fact, experiencing was the evolution of my spiritual side, though in the beginning I did not realise the significance of this.
A part of my treatment was an operation in which a very narrow tube was inserted at my wrist and fed all the way into the arteries of my heart. A fluid was then pumped in which was to clear the arteries of blockages, which it did. But an even greater effect was on my brain. Of course the same fluid cleansed the blood vessel up there too so that my thoughts were clearer and my ability to retain knowledge was vastly increased like that when I was much younger. That surgical procedure I would recommend for everyone!
I apologise for bleating on about this but it is playing a major part in my learning processes as I delve into the fertile fields of Theosophical knowledge,which has become such a big part of my life.
Now, after three months since creating this blog, I have come to realise that, like in any other endeavour to study a subject, one must start at the beginning. So far I have posted a library of Theosophical classics. As I have repeated often this was for my own benefit but has grown into a need to create a Thosophical library that will, I hope, be still in place long after I have quit this world. Reading them has been a real challenge as some go very deep into the subject and most of what is written is contrary to 'church' teaching so we are not so readily accustomed to its concepts and thus need time for some re-adjustments to our thinking. I have come to the realisation that I must organise my reading in order to gradually absorb the rich truths in these works in a 'child-like' manner. In a child's education we would achieve very little in presenting our offspring with a set of Encyclopeadia Brittanica: the child would probably build a wall of them! As a child must first learn to read, then be helped with understanding what it has read, so must I learn Theosophy in comprehendable portions. A bite at a time instead of a gluttonous feast!
In creating this blog it was my first desire to have, at my finger tips, the books I thought most beneficial to read. In the beginning I realised that there are many who would also benefit from such a site. But so far I have selected texts randomly and without any structure for learning. Most of the time I have searched for and posted books referred to by what I was reading at the time.
So today I decided to create, within my blog, a separate list of what I have chosen to call 'primer books' i.e. books that individually deal with one aspect of Theosophy. Those who visit this blog regularly should not, therefore, take umbridge at this. I am not being tutorial in this decision. I may know much less than you! Many of you will be far superior to me in spiritual evolution and must not be offended by the 'kindergaten' approach to my own learning. For others it will be a beneficial.
At present I am working on preparations for posting H.P. Blavatsky's opus 'The Secret Doctrine' and it is through this that I have developed a cautionary approach. The book is truly a great work, which Madame Blavatky herself hoped would become a text-book for students of Theosophy. I have read in other texts that it is adviseable for 'beginners' to read the simpler submissions before attempting this epic. And with this in mind I have created the 'primer books' list.
This is not the end of this post as it is something that I can add to as my knowledge grows. I cannot say how often it will be updated other than that it will posted as new as somethin g is added.
Peace to you all,
T. G.
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